These basics will create a healthy environment for your coworking members

Consuming too much time in an unhealthy environment can cause multiple scary side effects like nausea, headaches or stress. Fortunately more and more coworking spaces come to see the benefits of creating a healthy environment for their visitors to thrive in. By becoming human-centred, these spaces promote productivity and well-being.

A healthy work environment is one of the most valued benefits of a coworking space. It enables high levels of productivity, a raised engagement with the coworking community and overall it contributes to a great atmosphere if everybody is feeling their best self.

We want to share some important insights on how to help your space become healthful by enabling a feeling of well-being.

People who are travelling for work or have the ability to work remote are the lucky ones that are spending most of their time in a coworking space. These people usually are not taking proper care of themselves in terms of a healthy work/life balance. Digital nomads usually work around the clock in order to make the magic happen, and need a space that will keep them focused and healthy. The spaces that succeed are the ones that become the first choice when it comes to coworking.


The benefits of working in a space filled with daylight and plants are not to be underestimated. Choose plants that purify the air: Members who are suffering from asthma can for example benefit tremendously by this relatively small adjustment. Plants also contribute to a happy color pallet with their variation of greens and contribute to noise reduction.


Take into account a lot of flexible professionals are choosing to work from your coworking space because their home desk might not be that ergonomic friendly. Make sure that at least the biggest part of your space if filled with options that will maintain a healthy posture. Other members might have escaped from their corporate jobs to avoid the 9 to 5 culture and are looking for a more playful space to work in. Try to arrange your space with a 60/40 ratio: 60% ergonomic friendly and 40% playful to keep all members healthy but inspired.


Sitting down or standing up, either way it’s always a healthy idea to get the blood pumping and move around. If you happen to own a coworking space near the beach or in nature, it is the perfect opportunity to offer your flexible professionals bike and/or surfboard rental for a healthy break to de-stress. If not, you can offer ‘Bike desks’ so your members can paddle their way to that deadline while working on their fitness.


If your space allows it, offering a yoga class before or after working hours is a real dealmaker. If your space won’t allow an in-house yoga class there are a lot of other things you can do to make your members fall in love with your space. Think about hiring a masseuse every other Friday that will loosen up the shoulders of your flexible professionals. Or offer a meditation class on Monday morning to start the week with a fresh and open mind. These breaks will pay back for themselves. They are necessary to prevent stress and burnouts.


When working hard food isn’t necessarily on top of mind. It’s easy to grab the first snack that you see when you are on a tight deadline. This is where you come in. Make sure your space is filled with healthy food options like fruits and veggies that are easy to take on the go. Provide enough water taps where members can fill their environment-friendly water bottles. After all, a healthy mind lives in a healthy body.


Last but certainly not least: Strive to build a community of flexible professionals that are eager to help each other out. You can enable this by organizing a collective walk in the park in the afternoons. Your members will rediscover that healthy and necessary connection with nature again. Creating a spot in the space where people can jot down their tips to overcome stress, other helpful tips, inspiring messages or a good joke can also be a fun way to enforce a healthy member community. After a while, your members will lift each other up and inspire to do their best work, including you!

There are several coworking spaces around the world that already are picking up on the trend of member well being. Check out this article to find out where on the globe these spaces are contributing to a healthier work/life balance.

Contact us and find out how you can eliminate the stress that is access control management by installing SALTO KS: The smart way to control access to your space.


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